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HR Symposia is a 2-day annual HR conference focused around a central theme. It includes Panel Discussions and Speaker Sessions on specific topics related to the industry and distinguished leaders from the HR Fraternity are invited to be a part of these sessions to share their opinions about the same. This provides a platform for students to interact with industrial leaders who are enriched with the knowledge of the field they plan to pursue their careers in.
The vision of HR Symposia is to reach out to eminent leaders and introduce them to the budding HR managers.

It serves as a medium of connect between the experts & the learners.


As organizations adapt to new ways of working with a combination of remote and on- site employees, leaders will

need to reskill, redeploy, and reorganize their people to support changing business demands.

The COVID-19 crisis has compelled many leaders to rethink ways of working. While the nature and purpose of the HR function have been evolving for years, the demands of the pandemic dramatically accelerated this transition.

Stepping up to this new responsibility requires HR to transform itself, adopting the organizational principles and key performance indicators of core business functions. HR leaders need to drive more agile and fluid organizations, shift the role of business partners, and drive the employee experience—and do it all with a clear leadership mandate.


Redefining Human Resources in the Contemporary Environment
Managing change within their organizations will be one of the top objectives for HR directors in 2022. This includes actively contributing to the expansion of their individual companies while successfully innovating. Many people have historically believed that the HR department just handles administrative or risk management duties. However, the previous year offered HR a great chance to reinvent itself and take the lead in guaranteeing employee response in a way that boosts morale, engagement, service standards, and business performance.
Transition from " Acquiring Talent" to " Retaining Talent"
Companies spend profusely on training their employees. Apart from money, time and other resources go in vain as well when an employee quits. The resources, time, and other investments put in by a company in the employees hired are eventually relished by their competitors and the company once again embarks on a talent acquisition spree. The companies have realized that if they opt for retention of their existing employees, it would save them a lot of resources which can be streamlined in other functionalities. Management of multi-generational and hybrid workforce is of equivalent importance in retaining the existing talent in the organization.
People Analytics and Automation in HR
Using people analytics, HR departments can work alone or with data scientists to gain insights into areas such as talent pipeline issues, rate the effectiveness of retention efforts, understand employee performance and workforce productivity, and assess which wellness and learning programs are working. Whereas in automation it is a method of using software to automate and streamline repetitive and laborious tasks and aid an HR department in managing personnel. By freeing up time, HR teams can increase productivity and add value to the company by working on more complex tasks, such as strategizing and decision-making.
Diversity & Inclusion: The Need of The Hour
The most diverse companies are now more likely than ever to outperform less diverse peers on profitability. Diversity and Inclusion leads to higher productivity because people perform to their full potential- People from new generation prefer to work in a company that supports diversity and inclusion. We can focus on approach of different companies towards D, E, and I - How leaders promote D, E, and I on personal level- In India, we are still struggling with including women in workforce, how will we proceed to include other ethnicities and LGBTQ+ community in corporate world.
Corporate Consciousness and Employee Well-Being: A Path to Organizational Sustainability
One of the main goals of work and organizational psychology is to promote the well-being and performance of employees. One of the biggest challenges faced by HRs is to reverse this trend in a virtuous cycle, where promoting high levels of well-being creates a performance improvement and vice-versa, in a “sustainable well-being-productivity synergy sustainable productivity and well-being synergy”
Atmanirbhar Bharat: A Human-centric approach
Today’s workforce is technologically confident, ultra-social, opinionated, and constantly connected. They demand high-quality services, experience, and prefer self-service to contact support over phone or email. As departments across the organization automate, go digital, and capitalize on AI to be human-centric, the human resource (HR) department also finds itself at a crucial juncture - where it needs to leverage technology to significantly improve service experience, provide managers with workforce intelligence and be agile.


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